Short-Hand is the art of representing spoken sounds with written signs. Pitman’s shorthand provides a way of representing every sound heard in English words. Short Hand is a system of rapid writing that uses abbreviations or symbols to represent words, phrases, and sounds. Basically, we write in shorthand at our writing scale speed many times higher than the normal speed. This book presents the principles of Pitman’s shorthand in a logical arrangement. The principles are stated briefly and simply. Each statement is followed by an adequate amount of application. The work of the teachers is made easier by dividing the principles into small units of construction, Due to shorthand, many features have been introduced. But we discuss some of them.
- Abbreviations
- Symbolism
- Consonant Representation
- Vowel Omission
- Positional Notation
- Joining and Blending
- Advance Techniques
A system of shorthand requires abbreviations to represent a word or phrase. These abbreviations usually represent any word in shorthand in terms of full spelling with the help of phonetic and sound pronunciation. Whenever any word is written in shorthand, first. We need to know the sound of the word to write it in shorthand.
In Short Hand, we use many symbols and characters to write words. That is not used in simple writing. This special character and symbol can only be written by someone. Who knows about it and who has taught it? No one can write it in shorthand. To use these symbols and characters in shorthand. We learn them stepwise. Then we know which symbol or character is used for which word.
Consonant Representation in Book
Basically, the words we call the alphabets A to Z in English. We call these alphabet consonants in the shorthand. Without consonants, we cannot write any word in shorthand. Because we cannot write anything in English without the alphabet, in the same way. We make words in shorthand with the help of vowels by combining constants.
Vowels Omission
Vowels play a very important role in making any word. Because no word can be made without vowels. We know the sound and from which we also know the place and in shorthand we then write the word in that place. In vowel omission. We silence many sounds which we write but are not heard in reading so in shorthand. We write only the sounds we hear.
Positional Notation
In attendance, we have to put the consonant in the right place. Because if we put a stroke or consonant in one place instead of another place. Its meaning and word will change. It is mandatory that we write the word in the place where it belongs. From the sound of the vowel, It is known which place this word belongs to and where we have to write it.
Joining and Blending
As per the rules of shorthand while joining the strokes. We have to join the strokes without lifting the pin or pencil from one end to the other end. If we do not follow the rules of this system of shorthand. Then we will not be able to build the speed of writing in shorthand.
Advanced Techniques in Book
For our learning in the modern system of Short Hand, Isaac Pitman launched the latest version of shorthand from which everyone who wants to learn shorthand can easily understand its roles and learn shorthand because it is the most common method of shorthand writing in the world.
To build your shorthand speed in writing Launched a book named 700 Which can be improved by practicing its exercises. The latest version of shorthand introduced by Isaac Pittman contains 140 exercises and 87 rules which. After proper reading of this latest version, the student is able to write each word in shorthand easily because it is the proper way of learning.
In Our Life
If a person learns shorthand properly and practices it on a daily basis and applies for a stenographer post in any department then he can easily get this post provided.
If seen in any government institution, a stenographer is mandatory in every institution. There is not only one post but many posts are available in every department. For stenographers, we can take advantage of this by learning proper shorthand and Then finding someone to post in any department.
If we get a chance to learn shorthand then we must learn it. And apply for the post of stenographer in any department. So that we can get achievement in our life.